Friday, 5 August 2016

The Preparation

(click on the map above )

This is my practice page, which will double up as preparation for the trip and preparation for blogging.  Hopefully will have a co - blogger shortly (Carys)



Sunset Stip


Williams/Grand Canyon

Las Vegas

How I can find a way of embedding a map into our blog would be my first learning requirement? for more info on this old route

Now added the Griswolds to our header (that may not stay!) and the opportunity to sign up for email bulletins as we update - what more could you want!!

Lets see how we are with adding music links a bit of fleetwod mac to get you in the mood.  Apparently the Griswolds went to Vegas, need to look into that. ....

Poker tourney schedule in Vegas might be handy, sense I may be looking at the breakfast ones

Bicycle rides on sunset strip ??


  1. Maybe resizing the map or wrapping the text ?

  2. is everyone having to create a blogger account before commenting?

    1. It appears to have linked to my google account.

    2. that's something! at least we are taking you with us!

  3. “”We were just outside of Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs kicked in.”

    1. Not just Hunter Thompson, but it is also one of the towns mentioned in the Route 66 song too :-)

  4. Google maps will enable you to embed a map from them - go to google maps, create the journey and select the connect symbol ( a dot with two lines to two other dots) you then get the option to link to the Map (copy the url) or to select embed map - this gives you the html to copy the frame and its insides. This code can be cut and oaste into the html editor in blogger to put into the html page in blogger (beside compose) paste it in and then the map will be embedded.

    I look forward to the blog, I love that part of the states.

    1. thanks Haydn.. Will give it a go ... if we can manage to achieve 10% of what you do in your blogs I will be happy as you have set a very high bar, and indeed inspiration, in this regard! Enjoying the scottish trip, a little bit more cultured I fancy than the max boyce infleunced title !

    2. Hi Lloyd, yes it is always a good mix between culture and the Max type of journey, but both have their place - as I'm sure you'll find as you go back to Vegas, it is somewhere you can enjoy both extremes in one city.
